K/3 ERP Overview:

Supply Chain Management


Kingdee K/3 ERP SCM is intended for the purchase, sales, warehouse and quality management personnel of an enterprise. The system offers functions such as purchase management, sales management, warehouse management, quality management, inventory accounting, import management and export management to completely manage the business supply chain of the enterprise. The system can either run independently, or work with the Manufacturing and Finance systems, to form more complete and overall enterprise solutions.



Purchase Management

It enables the purchase personnel higher working quality and efficiency. It offers business management functions from purchase request, order, receipt, goods returning to payment, and supports multiple purchase operations related to vendor, price and lot No. It helps the enterprise to effectively manage and control the supply chain, cash flow, and data flow during the whole purchase process.

Sales Management

It helps the sales representatives formulate correct marketing strategies and improve market response. It offers business management functions from order, delivery, goods returning, and invoice to payment, and supports multiple sales operations related to credit account sales, price, discount and promotion.

Warehouse Management

It helps the logistic personnel strengthen material management and supports smooth operation of manufacturing system. It offers receipt/delivery, inventory transfer, inventory adjustment and phantom warehouse, and supports lot, material correspondence, counting and real-time stock verification functions.

Inventory Accounting

It enables accurate accounting of inventory receipt/delivery cost and warehouse balance. It provides multiple warehouse accounting methods. The accounting is based on both the center warehouse and warehouse. The voucher template enables flexible settings.

Import Management

It enables overall management and flexible processing of import business. It manages import purchase orders and import documents (vendor invoices, customs declaration and import tax).

Export Management

It enables overall management and flexible processing of export business. It offers export orders, export transport management, packing management, delivery management, export customer management and export document (form invoices and customs declaration).

Quality Control

It helps to improve quality management efficiency and reduce quality failures caused by materials, workshop manufacturing, and quality of inventory materials. It offers management functions such as, vendor appraisal, purchase inspection, operation inspection, outsourcing inspection, product inspection, outsourcing receipt inspection, delivery inspection and return goods inspection.

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