SunSystems Module

       SunSystems Vision

Vision Budget Management

Vision Budget Management is an innovative and intelligent budget management tool designed to control the entire budget process from your desktop. Vision Budget Management streamlines the budgeting process, delivers control, reduces budget iterations, improves planning, and optimizes the use of financial data.

Budget Management Through Excel

Vision Budget Management allows you to manage all aspects of enterprise-wide budgeting, forecasting and planning. The design of Vision Budget Management embodies an inherent understanding of SunSystems and capitalizes on the powerful functionality of Microsoft Excel, Vision Executive and Vision XL. Individuals within an organization can control their own area of accountability. Responsibility is assigned by Budget, Budget Group and workbook. Budget workbooks are allocated and dispatched to individuals to complete then return to the person responsible for collation, checking and approval.

Budget Management Data Warehouse

Vision Budget Management is used to first build then retain the budget structure. This process includes the identification and allocation of a budget ledger as the Data Warehouse. Once the budget administrator has received completed workbooks, Vision Budget Management validates the contents and transfers the data to the Data Warehouse. Status Codes can be used to manage the stages of budget development and version control enables iterative budget development. Version and Status information is transferred to the Data Warehouse along with the workbook data, allowing sophisticated budget analysis through Vision Executive and Vision XL.

Powerful Analysis and Reporting

Budget outcomes can be reported using Vision Executive or Vision XL. Vision Executive users have access to Drilldown and Breakout functions that allow you to scrutinize the consolidated budget in fine detail. You can also utilize the Format Tables facility to highlight abnormalities or inconsistencies in your data. Vision Alert can be used for automatic exception reporting and distribution.


Vision Budget Management can help you create and manage forecast data as part of your ongoing forecasting process throughout the year.


All completed and validated budgets, including any new versions of the budgets, are automatically consolidated. No re-keying is required. The distribution and control of information can be managed centrally using e-mail for both dispatch and receipt. Status codes help manage the status of individual budget workbooks. Version control provides for iterative budget development.


  • Budgets are prepared in Microsoft Excel workbooks, from within Vision Budget Management.
  • Budget access and control is provided by only allowing users access to the areas for which they are responsible.
  • SunSystems Corporate Allocations can be applied and managed in the Budget Data Warehouse.
  • Vision Budget Management supports the SunSystems multi-currency functionality.
  • Full multi-lingual capabilities.
  • The Audit Trail tracks each process and amendment to the Budget, Budget Group and workbook.
  • Budget notes can be printed or edited from the worksheets in your Budget.
  • Filtering allows control of the Budget information displayed.
  • User Defined Fields can be attached to Budgets, Budget Groups and workbooks.
  • Other files and documents can be incorporated with your budget, for example Microsoft Word or Vision Executive files.

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